
I'm Off!

Well hello there,

I know, I know, I have been an awful blogger this summer. But the thing is, I have had just too much fun to be engrossed in the Internet.

Anyways, tomorrow is the day. I leave my house at 9 am to venture off to LAX-->Heathrow-->Prague.

Honestly I can't believe it.

It is bittersweet... I am SUPER excited, but also sad to leave my incredible family.  Saying goodbye to my little cousins this evening was precious. They are all the sweetest and I am sad to leave them behind (especially when they won't let go of you as my aunt was practically driving off). My Aunt Noreen (Auntie Nono as we call her) told me that when she was explaining to Kirby what was going on she said I would be gone for 100 sleeps, to which he replied, "100 SLEEPS! I give her 100 kisses and 100 hugs."

I am keeping this post short because I need to go to bed (crazy time changes are in my near future).

Check here as often as you please to see updates on my life in Europe!

 Love my family!!!

1 comment:

  1. the shrimp cocktail is my favorite part of this picture.
