

So, I am home.

I have to say, it already is pretty nice. But as everything in life, good things come at a cost. This week proved to be quite the emotional week for me. No only was it finals week, but 3 of my best friends left me. Esther, who you are all quite acquainted with, and Kelly and Kim my roommates. I really don't usually cry at goodbyes, but boy oh boy was I a mess this week. My phrase for the week was "I am just a little tender." I often pulled out the line, "DON'T touch me" aka, one touch and Niagara Falls started a'flowin. 

Besides the ones that left me, I had to say goodbye to a lot of people I wouldn't be seeing until December, some even May!

Needless to say, the tears were justifiable.

The good thing I gained though was family. I came home to a full house including my new cousin Kirubel, aka, Kirby, after a 4-hour car ride of me belting to "Jesus music" as my friends call it :)

I feel very filled and blessed today. Really appreciating the people in my life and the Savior that I have.

It was such a fun day :) Enjoy the pictures of the pool party extravaganza (a typical Sunday evening at my house)
She's 13... I have a very beautiful cousin.
CJ and her gum... what's new.
Jojo + Tootie + Sam
KIRBY!!! My new cousin :)
First time making s'mores with Uncle Chris