
What happens when you get 5 giggly girls together, add some Silvergreens, a blanket, a camera and a little bit of sunshine? I'll tell you what you get, a good time. Finals week starts tomorrow and considering I have a final every single day this week, I am calling this my last post until at least Thursday. 

2 things...

1. Graduation is on Saturday and two of my best friends (and roommates) are graduating along with many of my other friends. I am so So SO proud of all of them, but most especially thankful to Kim and Kelly. Love you girls so much. Also, Esther is leaving... so enjoy one of the last posts she will be on for a long time :(

2. My aunt and uncle are currently in Ethiopia finalizing everything with their new son.. aka my new cousin and I cannot WAIT to meet him. I honestly could not be more excited about meeting my new 5-year old cousin, Kirubel. 

Anywhosicals the musicals... enjoy the picnic/makeshift photo shoot.
Esther + Maleshah + Morea + Gabby
Baby Girl + Moe + Moreh + Gabigail
I can hear everyone's laugh in this.
I love these girls.
Gosh I am going to miss this girl.
Esther + Me + Morea
The 'every last detail" signature look...
Esther "doesn't smeyeze"

Now back to work. It's study time.

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