
The Milk Man.

So fresh.
Farmer's market
Location: Cota St. and Santa Barbara St.
And that's what you get for jumping in EVERY picture...

I will be a florist one day
and I will not be allergic to the pretty flowers, like above lavender.
I think if I say it enough times it will come true.
Pants: LF, Shirt: Thrifted, Necklace: Falling Whistles
You should check out what my necklace is all about right HERE
This week has taught me a lot of things.

1. Sleep. More than you think you need to and on a more regular schedule than you think necessary.
2. Weddings are beautiful (let's be real, I knew this, but I just wanted to mention my cousin's incredible wedding again).
3. Ask your mom the first day you are sick for tissues, not the last after you have been using napkins the whole weekend.
4. Whenever you buy tissues, buy the "cool to the touch" ones. One thing moms know is what kind of tissues are best.
4. Don't open your groceries in the car. They will be gone before you get home.
5. 80's music is always the answer.
6. 3 1/2 hour naps aren't good... they are magical.
7. Don't buy air fresheners for your car when you are too stuffed up to smell anything adequately.
8. Find the joy in the little things rather than the frustration.
9. Laugh. A lot. Even if it ends in you hacking half your lung up.

I am sorry for the lack of posts this week... if you couldn't tell by the mention of tissues and hacking up my lungs, I was, uh, pretty sick.

And send me more names muh friends. Yall's really don't need that gift card I guess...

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