

Sometimes the best kind of dinner is some leftovers made into a stir fry with pasta.

I like to call it my "open-the-fridge-and-see-what's-inside pasta"

Try it some time. It rocks.

Sorry about the lack of/the not so exciting posts. Whatever I got has knocked me off my feet. I am down for the count.

PS... I haven't gotten many suggestions for a title and alls I gosta say is THERE IS A GIFT CARD AT STAKE HERE PEOPLE!!! So suggest away! No suggestion is a bad one, but if I don't get any, I am just going to have to buy myself something. Which if you know me, you know isn't that difficult for me.

So save me from my shopoholism (yes I just made up that word, but its a real thing).

1 comment:

  1. http://dvdpanache.blogspot.com/2007/03/700-possible-blog-names.html

    name ideas
